The Blue Plaque
Commemorative Project

~In Recognition of Lord Alfred 'Bosie' Douglas~

Lord Gawain Douglas holding the Blue Plaque,
just prior to installation.

Individuals in Brighton, in the UK, worked ceaselessly for several years to arrange for a Blue Commemorative Plaque to be erected at St. Ann's Court, Hove, in recognition of Lord Alfred 'Bosie' Douglas. Their success resulted in the first public honor ever afforded Lord Alfred! The Blue Plaque was installed on October 22, 2004. Lord Gawain is the Great-Nephew of Bosie.

Lord Alfred in front of St. Ann's Court, circa 1939.

Blue Plaques are meant to draw attention to buildings of interest because of their associations with famous people. In more recent years it has become the practice to erect a plaque only when the house in which a famous person lived is still standing. A number of plaques, however, mark the sites of famous buildings or historical events.

Lord Gawain Douglas at St. Ann's Court, following installation of the plaque


The Unofficial Website of Lord Alfred 'Bosie' Douglas is maintained
by author and playwright Anthony Wynn


Letters, photographs and poems of Lord Alfred Douglas copyright the Lord Alfred Douglas Literary Estate and
have been reproduced and adapted by courtesy of John Rubinstein and John Stratford. All Rights Reserved.
No infringement of copyright is intended or implied, this site is provided for public informational purposes only.

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