Photo courtesy of Robert E. Wood
"In a lifetime of pulling faces and making noises for a living,
I've come to believe that despite all the cliches
and the fallacies written and spoken about our trade,
there really is no business like show business."
-Barry Morse
Frederick Forsyth's Icon (2005) (Mini-Series)
Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story (2000) (Mini-Series)
The Adventures of Smoke Bellew (1996) (Mini-Series)
Artisans de Notre Histoire (1995) (TV Series) (Narrator)
JFK: Reckless Youth (1993) (Mini-Series)
War and Remembrance (1989) (Mini-Series)
Race For The Bomb (1986) (Mini-Series)
Master of the Game (1984) (Mini-Series)
The Winds of War (1983) (Mini-Series)
A Woman of Substance (1983) (Mini-Series)
Strange But True (1983) (TV Series) (Host)
Sadat (1983) (Mini-Series)
Whoops Apocalypse (1982) (TV Series)
The Martian Chronicles (1981) (Mini-Series)
The World According to Nicholas (1979) (TV Series)
The Story of David (1976) (Mini-Series)
Space:1999 (1975) (TV Series) (Star)
The Zoo Gang (1974) (TV Series) (Star)
The Adventurer (1973) (TV Series) (Star)
The Golden Bowl (1972) (TV Series)
The Fugitive (1963) (TV Series) (Star)
Presenting Barry Morse (1960) (TV Series) (Star)
How Theatre Came To Canada
The Stormy Partnership of Gilbert & Sullivan
Rogues and Vagabonds
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The Man Who Killed Lincoln
Charles Dickens: Would Be Actor
Women Come To The Theatre
Victorian Eccentrics and Tear-Jerkers
O Canada
An Agony of Critics
David Garrick, an Ideal Actor
The Actor in Old Age
Farewell Again
Haunted Studio (1954) (TV Series) (Host)
I Really Hate My Job (2007)
The Restoration of 'M' (Documentary) (2003)
Nothing to Declare (1999) (aka Promise Her Anything or Taxman)
Sacred Trust (1997)
Synapse (1995) (aka Memory Run)
Al Lupo Al Lupo (1993) (aka Cry Wolf)
The Railway Dragon (1988) (Animated)
Glory! Glory! (1989) (TV)
The Birthday Dragon (1992) (Animated)
Hoover vs. The Kennedys: The Second Civil War (1987) (TV)
The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1987) (TV)
Fight for Life (1987) (TV)
Covenant (1985) (TV)
Thunder Rock (1985) (TV)
Reunion at Fairborough (1985) (TV) (Nathan Barsky)
The Innocents Abroad (1983) (TV)
The Rothco Conspiracy (1983) (TV)
Funeral Home (1982)
The Shape of Things to Come (1981)
The Changeling (1981)
The Hounds of Notre Dame (1980)
Klondike Fever (1980)
A Tale of Two Cities (1980) (TV)
Murder By Phone (1979) (aka Bells)
Riel (1979) (TV)
One Man (1977)
Welcome to Blood City (1977)
Hailey's Gift (1977)
A Sense of Place (1976) (TV)
Truman at Potsdam (1976) (TV)
The Ugly Little Boy (1976) (TV)
Power Play (1975) (aka A State of Shock)
To Kill the King (1974)
Next Year In Jerusalem (1973) (TV)
Love At First Sight (1973)
Poet Game (1972) (TV)
Summer and Smoke (1972) (TV)
Asylum (1972)
Running Scared (1972)
The Telephone Book (1971)
Puzzle of a Downfall Child (1970)
Separation (1970) (TV)
Summer and Smoke by Tennessee Williams (1970) (TV)
Foreign Field (1970) (TV)
King Arthur (1970) (Host/Narrator)
Merely Players (1969) (TV)
(Broadcast as a segment of the NET Festival TV Series)
Treasure of the Kings (1969) (Narrator)
The English Boy (1969)
Fountains of the Sun (1969) (Narrator)
Justine (1969)
Centennial International (1967) (TV)
It's Murder, Cherie! (1966) (TV)
George Bernard Shaw: Who the Devil Was He? (1965) (TV)
Waiting For Godot (1964) (TV)
Kings of the Sun (1963)
Lord Durham (1961)
The Heiress (1961) (TV)
The Three Musketeers (1960) (TV)
Zeal of Thy House (1960) (TV)
The Clearing in the Woods (1959) (with Melanie) (TV)
Fallen Idol(1959) (TV)
Macbeth (1955) (TV)
Summer Theatre "The Return of Don Juan" (1955)
The Man is Mine (1954)
The Vigil (1953) (TV)
Guilty (1953) (TV)
Fortune My Foe (1953) (TV)
The Telephone (1952) (TV)
Gaslight (1952) (TV)
Noises in the Nursery (1952) (With Sydney, Melanie, and Hayward) (TV)
No Trace (1950)
Daughter of Darkness (1948)
Mrs. Fitzherbert (1947)
This Man Is Mine (1946)
aka A Soldier for Christmas (North American title)
Late at Night (1946)
There's A Future In It (1943)
The Dummy Talks (1943)
When We Are Married (1942)
The Goose Steps Out (1942)
Thunder Rock (1941)
Contact (2005) (World Premiere) (Stage)
Merely Players (1983-2003) (Stage)
(Numerous Performances in North America and the UK)
Bernard and Bosie: A Most Unlikely Friendship (2004) (Stage)
Bernard and Bosie: A Most Unlikely Friendship (2002) (Stage)
Two Dubliners (Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde) (2002) (Stage)
Mollykins (2000) (Stage)
Love Letters (1999) (Stage)
Shavian Sextet: A Laugh-In for the Literate (1998) (Stage)
G.B.S. and Ellen Terry (1996) (Stage)
Love Letters (1995) (Stage)
The Private Life of Bernard Shaw (1995) (Stage)
The Admirable Crichton (1976) (Stage)
The Adventurer (1973) (TV Series) (several episodes)
Who Goes Bare (1970) (Stage)
Don't Start Without Me (1970) (Stage)
Staircase (1968) (Broadway Stage)
Mr. Dickens of London (1968) (TV Movie)
The Fugitive "The Shattered Silence" (1967) (TV)
Misalliance (1966) (Stage)
Salad Days (1958) (Stage)
A Visit to a Small Planet (1958) (Stage)
George Bernard Shaw's Great Catherine (1958) (TV)
The Happy Time (1952) (Stage)
The Four Poster (1951) (Stage)
Pommy (1950) (Stage)
Springtime for Henry (1950) (Stage)
The Browning Version (1950) (Stage)
A Pheonix Too Frequent (1950) (Stage)
The Voice of the Turtle (1949) (Stage)
Contact (2005) (World Premiere - Tampa, Florida)
Bernard and Bosie: A Most Unlikely Friendship (2004) (Bernard) (Sarasota, Florida)
Merely Players (2003) (British Theatre Museum - London, England)
(Premiere UK performances of his one-man show)
The Second Maiden's Tragedy (2003) (Globe Theatre - London, England)
Henry VI - Part III (2003) (London, England)
Bernard and Bosie: A Most Unlikely Friendship (2002) (Bernard) (London, England)
Voices (2002) (Royal Opera House - London, England)
Merely Players (2002) (Multiple Characters) (Atlanta, Georgia)
Merely Players (2002) (Multiple Characters) (Cleveland, Ohio)
Merely Players (2002) (Multiple Characters) (Orlando, Florida)
Voices (2002) (Cambridge, England)
Two Dubliners (Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde) (2002)
Merely Players (2001) (Multiple Characters) (Portland, Oregon)
Mollykins (2000) (George Bernard Shaw)
Merely Players (2000) (Multiple Characters) (Calgary, Alberta)
Love from Shakespeare to Coward (London, England) (2000)
Love Letters (1999) (Andrew Makepeace Ladd III) (with Barbara Bain)
Shavian Sextet: A Laugh-In for the Literate (1998) (George Bernard Shaw)
Merely Players (1997) (Multiple Characters) (Portland & Eugene, Oregon)
G.B.S. and Ellen Terry (1996) (George Bernard Shaw)
Love Letters (1995) (Andrew Makepeace Ladd III) (with June Lockhart)
The Private Life of Bernard Shaw (1995) (George Bernard Shaw)
The Philanderer (1992) (London West End)
Merely Players (1993) (Multiple Characters) (PAL Performance, Toronto, Canada)
Merely Players (1984-1992) (Multiple Characters)
(Numerous performances across North America)
Sleuth (1989) (Andrew Wyke)
A Christmas Carol (1980) (Scrooge)
Cause Celebre (1979) (O'Connor)
Sleuth (1977) (Andrew Wyke)
Tom Stoppard's Travesties (1977)
Mrs. Warren's Profession (1976) (Sir George Crofts)
The Admirable Crichton (1976) (Lead & Director)
Hadrian VII (1969) (Frederick William Rolfe)
(Helen Hayes Theatre, Broadway for six months; performed previously for four months in Australia)
Coriolanus (1968) (Menenius Agrippa)
Irma La Douce (1968) (Six Roles)
The Three Sisters (1968) (Colonel Vershinin)
Staircase (1968) (Broadway production, Director)
Cause Celebre (1967) (O'Connor)
Misalliance (1966) (Director)
Man and Superman (1966)
Merely Players (1965) (New York State)
Gaslight (1965)
Saint Joan (1964)
Man and Superman (1964)
The Caretaker (1962) (Davies)
Merely Players (1961) (Kingston, Ontario)
An Evening of Dickens (1961) (Performed for The Dickens' Fellowship)
Charles Dickens Reads Again in Toronto 1960) (Charles Dickens)
The Three Musketeers (1960) (Athos)
Merely Players (1959) (Boston)
Man and Superman (1959)
Oedipus Rex (1959) (Title Role)
Much Ado About Nothing (1959)
Salad Days (1958) (Director)
(New York production, previously performed in Canada)
A Visit To a Small Planet (1958) (Kreton) (Director)
The World of the Wonderful Dark (1958) (Indian Chief)
Hide and Seek (1957) (Tom Richards)
(Broadway debut at the Ethel Barrymore Theatre with Basil Rathbone)
Cyrano De Bergerac (1957) (Title Role)
Man and Superman (1957)
Salad Days (1956) (Director and Star)
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada production)
A Touch of Greasepaint (1955)
The Happy Time (1952/1953) (Directed and Starred)
The Adding Machine (1952)
Present Laughter (1952) (Two separate Canadian productions staged)
Second Threshold (1952)
Private Lives (1952)
The Man Who Came To Dinner (1952) (Title Role)
Dinner For Three (1952)
Dinner at Eight (1952)
There Shall Be No Night (UK tour, prior to coming to Canada)
The Browning Version (1952)
The Four Poster (1951)
Pommy (1950) (Director)
Present Laughter (1950) (English Production)
The Importance of Being Ernest (1950) (Worthing)
Law and Disorder (1950)
Reunion In Vienna (1950)
The Browning Version (1950) (Two separate productions staged)
A Phoenix Too Frequent (1950)
A Village Wooing (1950)
Springtime For Henry (1950) (Directed and Starred)
(Two separate productions staged)
Morning Departure (1950)
Flowers For The Living (1950) (Stan Roberts)
A Marriage Has Been Arranged (1950) (Harrison Crockstead)
The Voice Of The Turtle (1949) (Produced, Directed, and Starred)
Written For A Lady (1948) (Sam)
Faust (1948) (Mephistopheles)
Clouded Vision (1948) (Sir Cosmo Leigh)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (1947) (Lord Henry Wootton)
A Bullet In The Ballet (1946) (Musical Ballet Murder Mystery)
The Assassin (1945) (Robert De Mauny)
Not So Fast, My Pretty (1945) (Gyles Flemyng)
Crisis In Heaven (1944) (Alexander Pushkin)
Craig's Wife (1943)
Parisienne (1943)
War and Peace (1943) (Andrey)
Escort (1942) (Lt. Fladgate)
School For Slavery (1942) (Richard)
(London West End Debut)
The First Mrs. Fraser (1941) (Ninian Fraser)
Thunder Rock (1939)
If I Were King (1939) (Mountjoy)
King Henry V (1937) (Title Role)
(Command Performance for their Majesties, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth)
The Good Companions (1936)
Measure for Measure (1936) (Angelo)
Journey's End (1936)
Romeo and Juliet (1935)
Twelfth Night (1935) (Malvolio)
(And more than 200 additional roles in Repertory in the 1930s)
Doctors "Charity Begins at Home" (2002)
Diners (2002)
Spotlight On Barry Morse (2001)
Waking the Dead "Blind Beggar: Part 2" (2001)
Waking the Dead "Blind Beggar: Part 1" (2001)
La Femme Nikita "Love, Honor, Cherish" (2000)
Merely Players (2000) (Multiple Characters)
Space Island One "Nemesis" (1998)
The Great Defender (unknown episode) 'Councilman Phillips' (1995)
Kung-Fu: The Legend Continues "Eye Witness" (1995)
Sirens "Chasing A Ghost" (1994)
TekWar (1994)
Dracula "My Fair Vampire" (1991)
The Ray Bradbury Theatre "Touched With Fire" (1990)
The New Twilight Zone "Dream Me A Life" (1988)
Just Down the Street "The World According to Nicholas" (1983)
Beyond Reason (Special Guest) (circa 1980)
The Littlest Hobo "Double Trouble" (1979)
Celebrity Cooks (Special Guest) (circa 1978)
Search and Rescue (1977)
Sleuth (1977) (Host) (TV game show pilot)
Sidestreet "With This Ring" (1977)
Headline Hunters (1977)
The Fortune Hunters (1976)
Our Man Flint "Ultimatum" (1976) (with George C. Scott)
Program X "Ave Luna" (1973) (Julius Caesar)
Purple Playhouse "Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street" (1973) (Title Role)
Trigger (1973)
Gallery "Bedrooms of the Nations" (1973) (CBC) (Host/Narrator)
Next Year in Jerusalem (1973) ("Saladin")
The Days Before Yesterday (aka Witness to Yesterday) (1973) (at least four episodes)
Play of the Month "Summer and Smoke" (1972)
The Wit and World of G.B. Shaw (1972)
(Performing the "Man and Superman" segment)
The Starlost "The Goddess Calabra" (1971)
The Storefront Lawyers "A Man's Castle" (1970)
N.Y.P.D. "No Day Trippers Need Apply" (1969)
Television Is... (1968) (Host)
The FBI "The Flaw" (1968)
My Country Tis of Thee (1968)
Steps (1968)
The Weaker Sex (1968)
Premiere "Higher and Higher" (1968)
The Invaders "The Life Seekers" (1967)
Judd for the Defense "Fall of a Skylark: Part 2 - The Appeal" (1967)
Judd for the Defense "Fall of a Skylark: Part 1 - The Trial" (1967)
Merely Players (1967) (WGBH-Boston)(PBS)
The Age of Elegance (1967) (at least one episode)
Get the Picture (1967) (pilot for gameshow)
The Beggar's Opera (1967)
Vendetta "The Mercy Man" (1967)
The Merv Griffin Show (1966) (talk show)
The Mike Douglas Show (1966) (talk show)
NET Playhouse "A Sleep of Prisoners" (1966)
The Saint "Reluctant Revolution" (1966)
Christmas Anthology (1966)
Laurier (1966)
The Late Late Show (1966) (talk show in Ireland)
Vendetta (1966)
Nightlife (1965) (talk show)
The Mike Douglas Show (1965) (talk show)
Seaway "The Provocative Mademoiselle" (1965)
The Merv Griffin Show (1965) (talk show)
Whisper Into My Good Ear (1965)
Profiles In Courage "Edmund G. Ross" (1965)
The Royal Game (1964)
The Pierre Berton Show (1964) (talk show)
The Guard (1964)
The Defenders "Who'll Dig His Grave?" (1964)
Dear Liar (1964)
A Step Out of Darkness (1964)
The Bob Hope Show (1964)
The Elwood Glover Show (1964) (talk show)
Shakespeare (1964) (Documentary) (Host)
A Sleep of Prisoners (1964)
The Les Crane Show (1964) (talk show - two appearances)
East Side/West Side "The Name of the Game" (1964)
The Late Late Show (1964) (talk show in Dublin, Ireland)
This Was A Man (circa 1964) (reading William Shakespeare)
The Observer (circa 1964) (reading William Shakespeare)
The Nurses "Escape Route" (1963)
The Outer Limits "Controlled Experiment" (1963)
The New Breed "Wings for a Plush Horse" (1962)
The New Breed "Walk This Street Lightly" (1962)
Cameos (1962) (Guest appearance)
Alcoa Premiere "All My Clients Are Innocent" (1962)
(Pilot episode for proposed series with Barry in lead as 'F. Lee Bailey')
On The Scene (1962) (Talk show appearance)
Venture "Mayhew's London" (1962)
The Nurses "A Private Room" (1962)
CBC TV's 10th Anniversary Show (1962)
Giselle (1962) (Barry hosts National Ballet of Canada production)
The Defenders "The Bedside Murder" (1962)
Alfred Hitchcock Presents "A Tangled Web" (1962)
Alcoa Premiere "The Jail" (aka Fred Astaire Premiere Theatre) (1962)
(Produced by Alfred Hitchcock and the Alfred Hitchcock Presents team)
The Untouchables "Globe of Death" (1962)
Quest "The Trial of Lady Chatterly" (1962)
Wagon Train "The Shiloh Degnan Story" (1962)
The Naked City "Memory of a Red Trolley Car" (1962)
Naked City "Portrait of a Painter" (1962)
The Twilight Zone "A Piano In The House" (1962)
Sir Francis Drake "Escape" (1962)
Les Miserables (1961)
First Person (1961)
US Steel Hour "The Intervener" (1961)
The Naked City "The Deadly Guinea Pig" (1961)
Barabas (1961)
Court of Opinions (1961)
(Pilot episode for TV version of long-running radio show)
US Steel Hour "The Leonardi Code" (1961)
The Old Foolishness (1961)
Adventures In Paradise (1961)
Explorations "Emanuel Kant" (1961)
David Copperfield (1961)
The Defenders "Bedside Murder" (1961)
Doctor Knock (1961) (Title Role)
US Steel Hour "Brandenburg Gate" (1961)
CBC 25th Anniversary Show (1961)
US Steel Hour "The Bitter Sex" (1961)
Free and Easy (1961) (Talk Show appearance)
New Years Eve Broadcast (1961)
Way Out "Soft Focus" (1961)
The Untouchables "The King of Champagne" (1961)
The Heiress (1961) ("Dr. Austin Sloper")
Where I Live (1960)
Encore "The New Man" (1960)
Encore "The Giaconda Smile" by Aldous Huxley (1960)
Encore "Love Story, 1910" (1960)
Live A Borrowed Life (1960)
Final at Furnell (1960)
Desire (1960)
Curtain Call (1960)
Front Page Challenge (1960)
Moment of Fear (1960)
The Three Musketeers (1960)
Flare (1960)
The Dow Hour of Great Mysteries "The Inn of the Flying Dragon" (1960)
The Unforseen "Desire" (1960) (CBC) (series)
Hudson's Bay "The Duel" (1959)
The DuPont Show of the Month "Treasure Island" (1960)
The Unforeseen "When Greek Meets Greek" (1960)
The Unforeseen "The Mask" (1960)
The Unforeseen "Desire" (1960)
The Joan Fairfax Show (1960) (CBC) (musical variety show guest star)
The DuPont Show of the Month "The Fallen Idol" (1959)
A Clearing in the Woods (1959)
Fallen Idol (1959)
Murder Story (1959)
US Steel Hour "The Wayward Widow" (1959)
The Master of Santiago (1959)
Salad Days (1959) (Adaptation of the stage musical)
Playhouse 90 "The Second Man" (1959)
Venus Observed (1959)
New Year's Eve Variety Show (1959) (Host)
Startime "Clearing In The Woods" (1959) (CBC) (with Nancy Wickwire)
Encounter (1958) - anthology series
The Naked City "The Deadly Guinea Pig" (1958)
The Place of His Dying (1958) (CBC)
The Naked City "Portrait of a Painter" (1958)
Depth 300 (1958)
Who Is Carapace? 1958)
U.S. Steel Hour "This Day in Fear" (1958)
U.S. Steel Hour "Alexander Fleming" (1958) (pilot for science series)
Come Fly With Me (Pilot) (1958)
General Motors Presents "Dr. Knock" (Exact Airdate Unknown)
Once A Thief (1957)
The Flight of Janus (1957)
The Price of Silence (1957)
Explorations (1957)
David and Jonathan (1957)
Yesterday's Footlights (1957) (CBC)
(documentary series about the history of the Canadian theatre between 1870 and 1914, with Mavor Moore)
Copelia (1957) (CBC)
(Barry is host/narrator of this National Ballet of Canada production)
Figaro (1956)
Front Page Challenge (1957) (Guest Panelist)
The Little Prince (1956) (with Hayward)
Small Rain (1956)
The Importance of Being Earnest (1956)
The Baker's Little Widow (1956)
The New Years Caper (1956)
Pullmancar Hiawatha (1956)
A Silent Cry (1956)
The Nativity Play (1956)
CBC Stage 56 (1956) "The Small Rain"
Wayne and Shuster (1956) (CBC) (in sketch "Plains of Abraham")
Swan Lake (1956) (CBC)
(Barry is host/narrator of this National Ballet of Canada production)
Scope "Prelude to Marriage" (1958) (4 roles)
Exploring Minds (1955) (Educational program guest appearance)
A Dip In The Pool (1955)
The CBC Wednesday Night (1955)
Florence Nightengale (1955)
All Through The Night (1955)
Murder In Algiers (1955)
Code (1955)
Sheridan's The Rivals (1955)
Captain Carvallo (1955)
Don Juan (1955)
Death of Satan (1955)
The Hand and The Mirror (1955)
George Bernard Shaw's The Philanderer (1955)
Shakespeare's MacBeth (1955)
Aristide Pujol (1955)
When We Were Married (1955)
The Adventures of Aristide (1955) (CBC)
Wayne & Shuster (1954)
The Big Revue (1954) (Several Guest Appearances)
Jason (1954)
Ibsen's Rosmer's Home (1954)
The Grass Harp (1954)
Ebbtide (1954)
A Look In The Mirror (1954)
The Third Ear (1954)
On Camera "Miracle at the Windsor" (1954)
The Haunted Studio (1954) (Series Host)
Deadlier Than The Mail (1954)
Sweeney Agonistis (1954) (by T.S. Elliot)
Howdy Doody (1954)
Guilty (1953)
Fortune My Foe (1953)
The Vigil (1953)
RCMP (1953) (documentary)
Lord Arthur Saville's Crime (1953)
The Duke In Darkness (1953)
Ozmandeus (1953)
A Man of Action (1953)
Operation North Star (1953)
The Wind of Heaven (1953)
Captain Carvallo (1953)
Robert Louis Stevenson's Ebbtide (1953)
Space Command (1953)
Rogues and Vagabonds: A Theatrical Scrapbook (2007) (KSAV)
A Tribute to Lister Sinclair (2001) (CBC)
The Master and the Boy (2000) (BBC)
End Credits by George Salverson (1993) (CBC)
(From "The Arts Tonight," July 29, 1993 with John Colicos and Gordon Pinsent)
It's A Matter of Survival (1989) (CBC)
Strategic Objectives (1987) (CBC)
Forgotten Dreams (1987) (CBC)
Desire Under The Elms (1986) (BBC)
The Tempest (1985) 'Propero' & 'Alonso'
(National Radio Theater of Chicago)
A Book at Bedtime (CBC 15-part series) (1984)
Reading/Performing the book Scoop" by Evelyn Waugh
A World Of Ideas - 1984 (1984) (CBC Series)
Death (1984) (By Woody Allen) (BBC)
Drinks Before Dinner (1983) (By E.L. Doctorow) (BBC)
George Orwell: A Radio Biography (1983) (CBC)
The Odyssey of Homer (1981) 'Odysseus'
(National Radio Theater of Chicago)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1980) (LeBret) (CBC)
Samuel Beckett's Krapp's Last Tape (1977) (CBC)
The Life Game (1973) (BBC)
Madeleine (1972) (CBC) (Jesuit Confessor)
The Heart of Darkness (1969) (CBC)
Christmas at Dingley Dell (1967) (CBC)
Soundings "Here Is A Play Fitted" 1966) (CBC)
Stage '66 "Ardam of Faversham" (1966)
Take 30 (1966) (talk show)
Beachcomber (1966) (series, multiple roles)
Dickens (1966)
The Age of Elegance (1966)
Stage '65 "The Redl Affair"
The Lady's Not for Burning (1965)
Poets of the Two World Wars (1965)
Shakespeare's MacBeth (1965)
Sunday Night at the London Palladium (1965)
Beachcomber (1965) (series, multiple roles)
Take 30 (1965)
Scrooge (1964)
Shakespeare's MacBeth (1964) (CBC)
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (1964) (CBC)
Doctor Faustus (1964) (CBC)
Conversation (1964) (CBC) (talk show)
Alexis de Tocqueville's "Democracy In America" (1962) (series)
Shakespeare's MacBeth (1962) (for Schools broadcast)
The Condemned Man (1962) (on CBC Stage)
The Lesson (1962) (on CBC Stage)
Blood Wedding (1962)
The Great Hunger (1962)
Doctor Knock (1962)
Oh Dad, Poor Dad (1962)
Drama Showcase (1962)
Virginia Woolf's Waves (1962)
Sunday Night (1961)
Don Juan In Hell (1961)
(From George Bernard Shaw's Man and Superman)
Valpone (1961) (by Ben Johnson) (CBC) (Schools Broadcast)
The Lady's Not For Burning (1961) (on CBC Stage) (by Christopher Fry)
Good Friday (1961)
Two Solitudes (1961)
Four's Company (1961) (Short radio series)
The Golden Bowl (1961) (on CBC Stage)
The Ipegeniah of Euripades (1961)
Cameos (1961)
Christmas at Dingley Dell (1961)
Project '60 "Bow Bells to Broadway" (1960)
(Documentary interview show about the Morse family)
Stage '60 "End Game" (1960)
The Lesson (1960) (By Eugene Ionesco)
Beach of Strangers (1960) (CBC)
The Loved One (1960) (CBC)
Cameo (1959) (CBC)
The Young Visitors (1960) (CBC)
The Loving Forger (1960) (CBC)
The Browning Version (1960) (CBC)
Greek Meets Greek (1960) (CBC)
Meridian (1960) (CBC)
Jealousy (1960) (CBC)
They (1960) (CBC)
The Pirchborne Claimant (1959)
De Tocqueville (1959) (CBC Series)
Stage '59 "Encounter by Moonlight" (1959)
Who Wrote Shakespeare? (1959) (CBC)
The Importance of Being Earnest (1959) (CBC)
Dock Brief (1959) (CBC)
The Face of Violence (1959) (CBC)
The Sword and the Stone (1959) (CBC - with Hayward)
The Goodly Seed (1958) (CBC)
Stage '58 (title unknown) (1958)
Cuckoo Clock House (1958) (at least 2 appearances)
Joseph Howe (1958) (CBC series)
The Terrible Parents (1958)
Stage '57 (1957)
"Flower In The Rock"
"The Partner"
"Woman of Andros"
"A Load of Mischief"
Shakespeare's Hamlet (1957) (6 episode serialization)
The Secret Agent (1957)
Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew (1957)
Shakespeare's Winter's Tale (1957)
Cuckoo Clock House (1957) (At least 2 appearances with Hayward)
A Tale of Two Cities (1957)
Pierce Plowman (1957)
The First Night of Twelfth Night (1957)
The Age of Elizabeth (1957)
King Arthur (1957) (Serialized Production)
Henrik Ibsen's Little Adolf (1957)
The Thirteen Clocks (1957)
Stage '56 "Every Man" (1956)
Shakespeare's MacBeth (1956) (CBC)
The Rivals (1956)
George Bernard Shaw's You Never Can Tell (1956)
Winston Churchill (1956) (Biography)
Half A Loaf (1956)
Joseph Howe (1956)
Shakespeare and Music (1956) (Special celebrating Shakespeare's birthday)
The Dying Dragon (1956)
Cuckoo Clock House (1956) (At least 3 guest appearances - all with Hayward)
East Lynn (1956)
Camille (1956)
Madame Bovary (1956)
King Lear's Wife (1956)
Waiting For Godot (1956)
Jean-Paul Sartre's Kean (1956)
Stage '55 (1955)
"The Franchise Affair"
"Will Shakespeare"
"The Dark Lady of The Sonnets" by George Bernard Shaw
"Sir John A. MacDonald"
Oscar Wilde's The Selfish Giant (1955)
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (1955) (CBC)
Shakespeare's Coriolanus (1955)
The Zeal of Thy House (1955)
Shakespeare's King Lear (1955)
Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice (1955)
The Heroine (1955)
Shelley's Cenci (1955)
The Last of The Mohicans (1955) (Radio Series, at least 13 episodes)
Shakespeare's The Tempest (1955)
Ben Johnson's Volpone (1955)
Love For Love (1955)
Forts (1955-1956) (Documentary Series)
Stage '54 (1954)
"The Informer"
"York Mystery Plays"
Oscar Wilde's Lady Windermere's Fan"
"The Assassin"
Titanic (1954)
How Columbus Navigated (1954) (CBC) (Schools Broadcast, as Christopher
Shakespeare's Richard III (1954)
The Trial of Lord Byron (1954)
Ordeal By Fire (1954)
The Complete Angler (1954)
The Indifferent Shepherd (1954)
George Bernard Shaw's A Village Wooing (1954)
Shakespeare's As You Like It (1954)
Court of Opinions (1954-1967) (Numerous Guest
Cho Chin Chao (1954)
Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida (1954)
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (1954)
The Thirteen Clocks (1954)
Shakespeare's Henry V (1954) (Title Role)
Secret Agent (1954)
Shakespeare's Hamlet (1954)
The Ford Theatre "Brief Encounter" (1954)
Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part I (1954)
Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part II (1954)
Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part III (1954)
A Touch of Greasepaint (1954-1967) (CBC Series)
Brave Voyage (1953/1954) (CBC Series) (Star)
Sir John A. MacDonald (1953)
Never Shoot A Devil (1953)
The Liars (1953)
Days of Sail (1953) (at least two guest appearances)
The Ford Theatre "Black Chiffon" (1953)
The Ford Theatre "Miss Mabel" (1953) (and other appearances)
Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part I (1953)
Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part II (1953)
Tristan and His Soldier (1953)
The Fall of The City (1953) (CBC)
The Ford Theatre "The Blind Goddess" (1953) (CBC)
The Age of Elizabeth (1953) (CBC Series) (Star)
Stage '53 (1953)
"To Live In Peace"
(CBC Series) (Dramatized Plays) (Regular Guest Star)
(This series continued as Stage '54, Stage '55, etc., as the years progressed)
The Last Empress (1953) (CBC)
Murder (1953) (CBC)
The Trial of Lord Byron (1953) (CBC)
The Lavender Hill Mob (1953) (CBC)
The CBC Wednesday Night (1953) (CBC Series) (Regular Guest Star)
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (1953) (CBC)
Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost (1953) (CBC)
Elizabethan Music (1953) (CBC Series) (Narrator)
Sir John A. MacDonald (1953) (CBC)
Sleep of Prisoners (1953) (CBC)
Queen Victoria (1953) (CBC Documentary)
CBC Schools Radio (1953-1956) (CBC) (Regular Guest Star)
(Note: Canadian historical/educational program for schools)
The Witch (1952) (CBC)
George Bernard Shaw's Candida (1952) (CBC)
Anton Chekov's Cherry Orchard (1952) (CBC)
Laura Limited (1951-1953) (CBC series) (Star)
God's The Bible (1951/1952) (CBC Series) (Star)
Fiddle Joe's Yarns (1951/1952) (CBC Series) (Star)
What Makes You Sick? (1951) (CBC Series) (Recurring Appearances)
The World's Illusion (1951) (CBC)
Un Homme Et Ses Peches (1951) (CBC Series) (French) (Star)
The Song of Solomon (1951) (CBC)
He Who Gets Slapped (1951) (CBC)
Edward My Son (1951) (CBC)
One Fine Day (Date Unknown) (BBC) (with Nova Pilbeam)
Rain on the Just (1949) (BBC)
Three Blind Mice (1949) (BBC)
(Command Performance for her Majesty, Queen Mary)
Beau Geste (1947) (BBC) (Title Role, 10 episode serial, 1/2
hour episodes)
(Second episode was titled "Three Recruits for the Legion")
Send for Paul Temple Again (1945)
(BBC Series of Detective Dramatisations starring Barry Morse as "Paul Temple")
The Burgomaster of Stilemonde (1944)
Victoria Regina (1942)
World Theatre "Hamlet" (Hamlet) (BBC)
World Theatre "The Hippolytus of Euripades" (Hippolytus) (BBC)
Saturday Night Theatre (BBC Series)
The Fall of The City (1936) (BBC)
(Note: Barry's First Radio Acting Performance!)
Resurrection (Audio Book) (Prof. Bergman & other characters) (2003)
Pulling Faces, Making Noises (Audio Book) (2002)
The Fugitive Recaptured (Audio Book) (1993)
On Wings of Eagles (Audio Book) (1985)
Symphony for Strings (Record Album) (Narrator) (1960)
15th Annual Screen Actor's Guild (SAG) Award Ceremony (January 25, 2009)
60th Annual Emmy Award Ceremony (September 21, 2008)
(Clip from The Fugitive with Barry answering the phone, "Yes, This is Lt. Gerard.")
62nd Annual Antoinette Perry "Tony" Award Ceremony (June 15, 2008)
Royal Theatrical Fund
London Shakespeare Workout Prison Project
Parkinson's Disease Treatment and Research
Performing Arts Lodges of Canada
Actors' Fund of Canada
The Samaritans
Christmas Seals - Tuberculosis
and numerous other causes and concerns
Advisory Board, The International Shaw Society
Executive Committee, London Shakespeare Workout Prison Project
President, London Shaw Society
Artistic Director, Lord Chamberlain's Players
Artistic Director, The Shaw Festival
Adjunct Professor, Yale University Drama Department
Recording books for the blind for the CNIB
(Canadian National Institute for the Blind) (1956)
Barry Morse & Sydney Sturgess
Barry Morse was a founding member of the Executive Committee of the London
Shakespeare Workout's Prison Project and joined a number of other notable English
actors in traveling to various English prisons to interact with inmates through
the power of the words of Shakespeare. Visit the London Shakespeare Workout
website to learn more about the Prison Project and other services and
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